Nathaki Noguichi


A bastard dawlf, my main character.

One of the few dawlfs that weren't raised in Laraybis due to the situation they were born in.
Nath was instead raised by the Noguichi family on Earth.

And yes, you may hug them.

Drawing of Nathaki

Kurae Noguichi


A noble two-tailed fennec folf.

The last person alive with Noguichi blood and brother of Nathaki, with who he spends most of his time with to make up for the lost time during their childhoods.

He's also a skilled and resourceful swordsman.

Drawing of Kurae



A tough-looking snow leopard with a hidden soft side.

His birthplace is unknown, he was forced to move away when he was just a cub, and has been lost for most of his life.

With the help of Nathaki, Kurae and Clank, he finally found himself, a place to call home, and people to call his family.

Drawing of Maxwell

Reimerius Santos


A smug and hefty poison dragon, who's also known as Reimi.

The youngest and shortest (although definitely not the lightest) among his 9 siblings, this brazilian dragon enjoys his days working as a beach lifeguard.

You'd be surprised as to how agile he can be.

Drawing of Reimi



A sergal turned protogen, with a surprisingly dark story.

It used to be a sergal kid who, after a fatal accident, had his body donated for scientific research by his partents.

A company researching robotics made use of the body to create the half organic robot he is now.

Drawing of Nasu

Aeon Starlight


A star, in the form of a bluebird.

Stars are the avatars of the gods, this one is in charge of looking over the dawlfs and Laraybis.

They ended up damaged and stuck in this form when he descended to Earth long ago.

Drawing of Aeon